홍상현 exploreCSR 오레곤 주립 대학교

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Cybersecurity Research

Oregon, while there have been significant efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, has built its reputation for historically discriminatory practices against marginalized populations. Black Exclusion Laws, established in 1844 and officially removed from the constitution in 2002, made it illegal for African Americans to own a real-estate, make contracts, vote, or use legal systems. Against Native Americans, Oregon passed the Western Oregon Indian Termination Act in 1954 and reversed it in 1983. In consequence, such discrimination led to one of the US states, with the lowest African-American population of 2.0% and 25% of Native Americans living in poverty.

This history of discrimination makes it difficult for their descendants, in CS undergraduate programs, to realize opportunities in computing research. Based on our teaching and advising experience, (1) the lack of academic/industry researchers from these communities in Oregon makes them feel un-welcomed in these fields (even if this is not true!); (2) because of the rareness, undergraduate students from those populations have less chances to know life as a graduate student or post-graduate studies, e.g., being a faculty or a research scientist.

Our exploreCSR program at Oregon State encourages African American and/or Native American students in Oregon to pursue careers in computing research areas, especially where emerging technologies and increasing workforce demands are: Cybersecurity.

About the Program

Learn about research careers and experience the joy of doing cybersecurity research!

Our program consists of a full-day workshop. You will get to see what cutting-edge research in cybersecurity involves, what it's like to be a graduate student in computer science (in cyber-security), and what career options are available in this field!

Who can apply: Current undergraduate students (including graduating seniors) who attend college at an institution in Oregon (Portland, Salem, Corvallis, Eugene, Bend, La Grande, and/or Ashland). You can choose to attend in-person at Oregon State University or join us virtually from the comfort of your own space.

Experience needed: Prospective students should have completed an introductory computer science course sequence. Coursework in cybersecurity and/or artificial intelligence is helpful, but not strictly required. No prior research experience necessary!

Activities planned: In our workshop, participants will have opportunities to delve into exciting "cybersecurity" research and get a "behind-the-scenes" look at what graduate studies in CS entail. These include panels on demystifying the graduate application process and Q&A's with current grad students and alumni

Time commitment: This is a full-day workshop and will run tentatively from 9 am to 5 pm.

Travel support: While our budget is limited, we will do our best to cover some travel costs for in-person participants, providing financial assistance up to $150 those who need it. Please indicate your need for travel support during registration, so we can assist you accordingly.

Faculty Mentors

Student Workshop Organizers

How to Apply

To apply for the 2024 program, fill out the online application form.

Tentative Program Schedule

Our program will b a full-day workshop

Date (Tentative) Activity
May 07 Applications open
May 31 Applications close
June Admission decisions announced
August 1 exploreCSR Workshop!


  • I am an undergraduate student in my first/second/third/fourth year [pick as appropriate]. Am I eligible to apply?
  • I am an undergraduate student in my final year; I will graduate in 2024. Am I eligible to apply?

  • I am an undergraduate student from [some university/college]. Am I eligible to apply?
    Yes! Because our workshop program targets (prospective) students in Oregon, you are likely to get the most out of it if you are in Oregon and are able to visit Corvallis campus.

  • Is this program only for Oregon State University undergraduate students?
    No; students from other schools in Oregon are very welcome.

  • Is this program only for students with historically marginalized students?
    The goal of the exploreCSR program is to support students from groups historically marginalized in Oregon (African American and/or Native American students) to pursue exciting graduate studies and research careers in computing (here). Although we invite anyone to apply, our program targets students who identify as historically marginalized groups.

  • I am a masters or PhD student. Am I eligible to apply?
    Unfortunately you are not. But we encourage you to offer mentorships to prospective students, especially if you are from historically marginalized population in Oregon.

  • Do you run any other research programs like exploreCSR?
    Unfortunately we are not. But our institution has myriads of programs for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. Check out these programs on the Office of Institutional Diversity!

  • I'm a high school student. Am I eligible to apply?
    Unfortunately we are not. But we run a separate program for high-school students such as NW Cyber Camp. Check out the program website (here) for your participation!

  • Are the applications first come, first serve?
    No. We will consider all applications received by the deadline in one go.

  • The application form asks for a transcript. Should I wait to add my grades from this semester or should I submit without?
    Please feel free to submit what you have available by the deadline. Please don't email us a transcript, either now or later on; please just resubmit your application.

  • How much detail should I put into the questions on the form, e.g., about research interests? Are you looking for a 'research statement'?
    Short and to the point. One or two paragraphs is fine. We're not looking for a research statement; we'd like to be able to match you to the right people.

  • I didn't receive a confirmation of my application. Can you confirm receipt?
    It almost certainly went through. If you're worried, submit another one! We'll pick up the latest submitted by the deadline. No need to email us for this one.

Contact Us

Please contact Sanghyun with any further questions about the program.